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Ovulation and Conception

Everything you need to know!

Knowing everything you need to know about ovulation, including the time it happens and the process that your body goes through is very important when learning about conception and trying to have a baby.

Why is ovulation important in conception? Well, there a few things that your ovulation can help you with to increase your chances on getting pregnant.

Knowing when your ovulation occurs can tell you when implantation of your egg is most likely to take place. The average implantation model has implantation occurring about 7 days after your ovulation however many woman do not follow this average model. The normal range is usually anywhere between 6 to 12 days after ovulation with most people falling between 8 and 10 days.

Knowing the time of your ovulation can also tell you when the best time to have intercourse would be to get pregnant. Research has found that your probability increases if you choose the days to have intercourse 4 days before ovulation to about 2 days after. This will give you the best chance of getting pregnant than having sex on any other day of your cycle. Although there is a good chance you will conceive on these days, there are many other factors that can decrease your chances, but these days are the best time to have sex.

You can also predict when the best time to use an at home pregnancy test would be because of your ovulation date. Most tests will predict if you are pregnant (by the hormone hCG in your body) anywhere from 5 days before your missed period to a few days after. The best time to check is around 15 days after your ovulation, which can vary from woman to woman. Testing earlier or later than this 15th day, could result in a false negative.

Obviously your ovulation can tell you a lot of things about your body and the process you need to go through if trying to have a baby. This is one piece of information that you SHOULD know!